
Ref NoBG/KW/4
TitleEpisode 3: Kevin and the Big Lizard
DescriptionMaterial relating to the episode 'Kevin and the Big Lizard', episode 3 of the animation Kevin Saves the World.

'Kevin and the Big Lizard' synopsis: "Kevin had been getting in his mother's way so he is sent up to the attic, with a bag full of cleaning materials, to do some cleaning. But cleaning is something Kevin isn't good at, he keeps stopping to look at interesting things in the attic. He finds a book about knights and dragons, he finds a picture of a knight who looks a lot like him, he reads that after conquering a dragon the knight mysteriously vanished after saying the words, 'cor blimey'. Kevin says the words and mysteriously vanishes. He materializes on a donkey as the squire of a knight in armour. They [are] on a quest to fight a troublesome dragon. When they find the dragon, the knight asks Kevin for his weapons, but all Kevin has to offer are the cleaning implements from his bag. Armless and frightened, the knight gallops off, leaving the dragon and Kevin alone. The dragon lifts Kevin up with his claw and is just about to roast him when Kevin pulls out his feather duster and starts tickling the dragon. He tickles the dragon up and down the kingdom, until the dragon is completely tickled pink. As the champion dragon conqueror, Kevin is offered the King's daughter's hand in marriage. Kevin is unwilling to marry, exclaims; 'cor blimey', disappears and lands, with a bump, back in the attic. Kevin's mum asks what he's been up to and Kevin tells her he's been fighting dragons". (Synopsis by Bob Godfrey Films).
Extent2 subsubseries
LocationFarnham, G193

Show related Persons records.

DS/UK/21Godfrey; Bob (1921-2013); Animator1921-2013
DS/UK/49Aune; Kine (1943-present); creator and director of short and animation films1943-present
DS/UK/48Postgate; Daniel (1964-present); Freelance author, illustrator and cartoonist1964-present
DS/UK/50Norwegian Film Institute; 3 May 1955 - present3 May 1955 - present
DS/UK/51Nordisk Film & TV Fond; 1990 - present1990 - present
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