Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse TB - Tim Brennan ArchiveTB - Tim Brennan Archive
Collapse 1 - Exhibited works/artist books1 - Exhibited works/artist books
1 - State Welfare Project
Expand 2 - Fortress Europe2 - Fortress Europe
Expand 3 - Performing Northumbria3 - Performing Northumbria
4 - British Camp, Hull UK
5 - Dislocation
6 - Physical Minimum No 1 and No. 2
8 - Manifest
9 - Activity at short range No 1
10 - Natural History or Naturgeschifte
Expand 11 - Material Confinement 11 - Material Confinement
12 - The Great Learning Hull UK performance
13 - Cradle performance, Hull (UK)
14 - Performance with Simon Drury
15 - Material Investigation
16 - Torchbell
17 - Language Lessons
18 - At the Point of Engagement,/common body a series of social models
19 - February 2nd
20 - Relocations
21 - Auto
22 - Skywriting
23 - Floe
23 - IX-review in magazine Up Front
24 - Crusade
26 - A Cut
27 - Monument to the first constellation
28 - Shepherds of Arcadia
29 - A Banana Republic
30 - Insiders
31 - Darwin 1989-2009
32 - Sunderland 1989-2009
33 - The Peterlee Project
34 - Compten Verney, Warwickshire
35 - Walk journal and website
36 - A Venitian Odyssey
37 - Moonwalk Chapter Arts Cardiff
38 - Belgrave Project
39 - Taut
40 - 'Is This England' documentation from the Blue Line Project, Hull, UK
49 - Material Metaphor
50 - Performance, Hull, UK
51 - 365 days and on
52 - Obleute Windfall 89
54 - Embalm
55 - Republic of Atlantis/Visions of the Sea
56 - Nomadism Travellers
57 - Plebis Manoeuvre
58 - Faith in Work, Work in Faith
59 - Proposal for MA in Unidentified Curating
60 - Gala Manoeuvres
65 - The Library of Unpublished books
66 - The Peace Process
67 - In Transit
68 - Torture
69 - Prospectus publication/Mole Gap Trail
70 - Lowry Manoeuvre
71 - Paid on both sides
72 - Museum of Winged Angels - residency at the British Library
73 - Mass Observation Archive - artist in residency
74 - Host Manoeuvre involving Deveron, Huntly
75 - The Sami people today and yesterday
76 - Interstice: a live work by Nicholas Lowe and Tim Brennan
77 - Of Private Property and Public Insubordination Performance
78 - Automatic material
79 - Black Reaction performance
80 - Walking, Talking, Beating performance with Tim Brennan and Gillian Dyson
81 - Flack
82 - Ourselves Alone performance,'whatever you say, say nothing'
83 - Impasse
84 - Ager Publicus exhibition with Gillian Dyson, Gallery NK, Bergen, Norway
85 - The People's Flag? tape-slide, London Film-Makers Co-op (UK)
86 - Free State performance, ‘Audio-Visual Experimental’ (AVE), Arnhem, (Neths)
87 - On Movement & Matter with Dean Brannagan, U-Matic 8 mins
88 - The Double Silent installation with Dean Brannagan, Multiples, Jan Van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht (Neths)
89 - 219 A Situation performance with Artworks, (NRLA) Third Eye Centre, Glasgow (UK)
90 - A programme entitled Navigate - Live theatre - including a ticket
91 - Workshop
2 - Unrealised projects/exhibitions
3 - Employment
4 - Education
5 - Reviews
6 - Written articles